after the first lap off attack, counter attack a break was away. I even had thoughts of trying to bridge, I was cornering well and recovering fast in the pack. the pace slowed a bit then picked up again. going into the second lap 3/4 0f the way through lap 2. a bike went flying up into the air. without rider. "huh... that’s not supposed to happen." just then 2 more rides, with there bikes, went of the road into the dirt. I slowed almost to a stop and weaved my way through the carnage, hacked my way through the turn right up the road and when into full flight. I brought back a few rides but they sat up almost right away. I put the hammer down starting to realize that the "peloton" was now in 2 peices. I was chasseing the second group and they would surly be at full speed until they caught the front main group. after almost a full lap of chasseing alone, catching the back of the main pack twice only to have 5 guys in front of me to sit up. I watched the pack drift away.
"maybe I should down grade?" I thought.
a few guys came up from behind me and we road steady and strong to the finish picking up riders every lap.
there was a bit of friskiness in the last lap but it was for probably 40th place or something.
I was pretty frustrated after. I think I could have had a good race. been a factor. of course I had to say before the race, " the bike handling skills out here in CO are much better than that of
I guess it could have been much worse. I could have crashed. and lets not forget we didn't get into a car accident on the way to, or from the race. so really today was a huge success!!