Tuesday, January 31, 2006

down time

Fri. Jan. 27th
sat. Jan. 28th
off untill at least Feb. 2nd.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Tue. 1/24/06

Trainer ride: 1 hr, avg HR 149
F.P. 2x(1',2',3') (equal rest)

Mon. 1/23/06

Trainer ride, MTI's: 1 hr. avg. HR 159
3x10' (5' rest)
*felt tired but knocked them out. need to stock up for some"off" time that will be coming up.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Sun. 1/22/06

End Ride: 3:45 avg HR 157 (for first 3hr.)
* hilly ride at home up into the Berkshires. rode pretty solid pace for first 3 hr. trying to avg. 20 mph on the hilly terrain. but only managed 18.7

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Last few days 19th -21st

am: spinning 50'
pm: spinning 50'
* level 2 for both classes. did some F.P.

1hr. 10x90" hills in big gear.
*over slept but rode to work and did the 1hr in the dark. very warm out. I think i did 10 hills anyone who has ever rowed with me will tell you i can't count and train at the same time.

Sat. 5:20 level 2 avg HR 147, avg. mph 18.5
Ride with team and then some more afterwards alone. realy warm out 55 and sunny! felt really good. could have rode all day!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Wed. 1/18/06

Ride: 3hr. avg. HR 150
* a little rain, lots of wind and a pretty hard pace over all for a 3hr ride.

tue. 1/17/06

Ride: 2 hr.
*outside this morn. For 1 hr. Hit all the hills in a big gear, in the saddle most of the time.
another hour in the pm. Watched some of the 05 tour and did some F.P. drills.
yesterday I tock off in case your keeping close track.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Weekend in VT

Weather: 45 degrees and rain.
Workout: 1 hr. mt bike, up to app gap. avg. HR. 165
*also an 1hr or so of water polo and climbing at the rock gym.

Weather: 5 degrees snowing 20-30 Mph winds.
Workout: 1hr mt. Bike avg. HR. 155
*would have like to ride longer but feet got real cold and the bike was slowly turning into a useless block of ice.

Totals: only 11.5 hr's for the week.

Friday, January 13, 2006

fri. 1/13/06

Ride: 1:45. level 2, HR 139
*Short ride with my buddy on his way to work.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

thur. 1/12/06

Spinning day:
am. class, 50'
* some F.P. in class

pm. class 50'
*some F.P. rode fairly hard

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Wed. 1/11/06

Long ride: 3hr's, HR 139, 52 miles

* nice and steady today. felt really good. 17.5 avg. speed

Tue. 1/10/06

Off today. taking it easy.
* slept in, did some stretching, etc...

Monday, January 09, 2006

Mon. 1/09/06

Ride: 3hr's
* another steady ride. realing feeling the last couple of days. tired.

1/8/06 the weekend.

Sat. 4.5 hr's level2
*solid pace with Joe. some riding afterwards in "the jacket" see "EK's view" my web sight

Sun. 2.5 hr. (30' run, 2 hr ride) level 2
* late start today was feelin unmotivated as friends were all doing other stuff. but the sun came out a bit and despite the snow i was able to ride. warm too.

Totals: 15 hr's or so for the week. (1hr x-training running)

Friday, January 06, 2006

Fri. 1/6/06

Trainer ride: 1 hr. stomps. and lots of standing.

* tired today after late nite with work. was hope to ride longer.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Thur. 1/5/06

am. Spinning class 1 hr. level 2

pm. spinning class 1 hr. level 2-3

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Wed. 1/4/06

Long ride today. 3.5 hr's 61 miles.

* nice and steady today. felt stonger than last few rides at the end. stayed seated on all hills. normally i don't include my commute to work unless the break between ride and commute is short. today it was.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Tue. 1/13/06

am. ride on trainer: 90' 10 stomps. last 15' (1'standing- 1' sitting) level2 avg. HR 153 the stomps jack it up there for a bit.

* nasty outside will try to get in more tonite.

pm. Run: 45' and core work.

* running is nice change of pace.

monday 1-2-06


Happy new yr.
i am still recovering from the huge wedding/ new yr's bash! bad weather ahead so lots of disipline is in order in the coming week.

sat. 12/31/2005

Run: 45'

The last training of the yr.
with a wedding in a few hr's My self and some friends did a short run the the Blue hills running uphill is hard work. lots of fun.